1. AGENT : An agent is the business registered in bahrain (can be a person in special case).
2. BBGBAHRAIN : BBGBAHRAIN is the authorised administration of this portal.
1. We the authority require that the agent will have the good hand on computer operation on operating system and necessery applications.
2. Agents can apply for registration (this link) and pay registration fee BD50/- to BBGBAHRAIN.
2. Agents will get 20% commission of the service charge for the use of service from BBGBAHRAIN.
3. Agents will be completely responsible for the use of this website. Any offence using this website will raise legal action against the agent.
4. An agent will get access only to those part of portal where he is authorised to. Any unauthorised access will cancel the agent registration and agent will be loosing all his commission amount.
5. This terms and conditions are subject to change with the time and requirment.